Bed Bug Extermination

Sleep Soundly With Guaranteed Bed Bug Extermination

Rest easy, knowing bed bugs won't disrupt your sleep. At Ron Smith Termite and Pest Control, serving East Tennessee, we understand the stress and anxiety bed bugs can cause. That's why we offer a proven and effective bed bug extermination method and a more substantial warranty than the industry standard to ensure you achieve long-lasting peace of mind. Get in touch with our bed bug extermination experts at (865) 774-0717!

Our Industry-Leading Bed Bug Elimination Method

We utilize a liquid treatment and an insect growth regulator (IGR). This powerful combination kills bed bugs on contact and prevents them from reproducing, eliminating the entire infestation. Our method also boasts a 4-6 month residual effect, providing long-lasting protection compared to other treatments that lose potency quickly.

Benefits of Our Method:

  • It eliminates bed bugs on contact and prevents reproduction.
  • Provides long-lasting protection with a 4-6 month residual effect.
  • It is safer for your family and pets than traditional methods.
  • Free inspection and room-by-room treatment options.
  • 60-day warranty for ultimate peace of mind.

Why Choose Us for Your Bed Bug Needs

Free Inspection

We offer a thorough and complimentary inspection to confirm the presence of bed bugs and assess the extent of the infestation.

Room-by-Room Treatment

Unlike many companies, we offer the option to treat individual rooms, saving you money and minimizing disruption.

60-Day Warranty

We stand behind our work with a comprehensive 60-day warranty, exceeding the industry standard of 30 days.

Follow-up Services

We ensure your peace of mind with scheduled follow-up visits to monitor for any remaining activity.

Experienced Technicians

Our highly trained and certified technicians use safe and effective methods to eliminate bed bugs while protecting your family and pets.

Don’t Settle For Temporary Bed Bug Solutions; We Are Here to Help!

Contact Ron Smith Termite and Pest Control today for a free inspection and experience the difference between our proven bed bug extermination method and a 60-day warranty. Sleep soundly, knowing you're protected.

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